The Indigenous basket-weaving culture of the O’otham (Pima Indians) tribe of Arizona is not just integral to understanding the culture which Cashed Out is based upon; equally, it is integral to understanding the depth-full and complex characters that the narrative “weaves” together. Through new beginnings, turbulence, trial & error, forgiveness, ancestry, and (above all) family, Claude Jackson, Jr. is able to relay a slew of relatable life struggles through a completely unique, authentic lens.
In order to further understand the playwright’s story and its dynamics, the cast spent two days with Native basket weaver Jacqueline Zillioux as she navigated them through the ins and outs of her art and work. Explore the gallery below for a closer look into their time with Jackie, and the work that goes into basket-weaving as it is told in Cashed Out.
Photos by Juan Rebuffo.